KLM10 Summer 2017 Challenge Follow Up

I tallied the points and contacted the winner. You all did so well I thought we might have a tie, and we very nearly did! In future rounds I won't do points and a prize, BUT I will try to carve out time to interact more during the challenge.

I hope you all followed the tags and links on the last post so you could see one another's fantastical looks. See if you can guess the type before reading the descriptions :)

One thing I noticed is that when going for a subtype, you really have to go all out in order to convey it, which makes it a much trickier challenge. It makes sense though- we have 9 base types and it takes some thought and effort to convey 1/9 (base types) but in order to convey 1/54 (base types + subtypes total) in a way that is clear requires that much more attention to every detail. 

Thanks again for playing and I hope to see you at it again in September <3

A scarf for angels

Today I came across this beautiful scarf for Angels. If you click the link you can see the other color options and unwrapped photos that show the script work- so pretty! I wish I knew what it said, but I also like that it's mysterious to me.

KLM10 Challenge

Woohoo, a challenge!

The challenge is to dress fantastically for 10 days, and to share your photos as you go. There are up to 3 points to be earned for each day, and at the end, the person with the most points will win a prize (a free guide of your choice or possibly a surprise from me in the mail). 

  1. A point for dressing in a Fantastical Beauty type in a way that is true to type. 
  2. A point for having enough visual interest in your look (color, print, texture, and design detail). Not every piece has to be a statement piece, but no grey pajamas here.
  3. A point for using the right hashtags on your photos/posts so that we can find you (#klm10) and understand what you were going for (#angel #soulguardian). If the garment details aren't coming through in your photo, include them in the description ("Silk cami with lace trim, satin stripe tuxedo pants with contrasting trim")

There is no limit on the number of pieces you can work from from to create your 10 looks. If you want an extra, personal, challenge, limit yourself to a capsule for the duration, and see how creative you can be with few pieces.

Please note: While anyone can play, to be eligible to win the challenge, your posts MUST be public.

If you're looking for mini exercises or more type information to help you on your way, join us on YouTube. The photo above is an example of one of our mini exercises. 


The below image is an approximation of my wardrobe. From this mostly Puck wardrobe, I will put together and wear 10 Nymph looks and post them on this blog post as a gallery as well as on Instagram and to the Facebook page as an example and to join in the fun. The only color is in my jewelry, making it even more important to have interesting fabrics, designs, and prints. If you are choosing mostly neutrals, think about these details and about your accessories that much more. 

Do you have your Fantastical Beauty type picked? Do you have your pieces mapped out? Do you know where you will post your looks with the hashtags mentioned above? Will you link your KLM10 challenge below in the comments to this post so we can be double sure we see them? Are you thinking in terms of color, print, texture, and design detail to get enough visual interest in?